IaaC Global School 2015
In parallel with the 2015 IaaC ‘Urban Protocols’ global agenda, the 2015 Shanghai edition of GSS seeks various specific strategies for constructing future of Shanghai. A plethora of “picture perfect” urban plans generated through last decade, produced with practices, methods and planning traditions from 20th century hardly answer the demands and dynamics of Shanghai and its inhabitants. Current hardware and software technology, interactive interfaces and the ways we use the infrastructure supporting us, play a great role to determine the direction of the next phase of Shanghai’s urban and suburban territories and how we will use them. Through a range of units focusing different aspects of our global agenda, we will seek to generate a series of proposals which are contextually, temporally, economically, and culturally relevant.
随着2015年题为“城市协议”的IaaC国际会议议程的开展, 同年于上海举办的GSS也在探寻上海未来建设的多样且具体的设计策略。20世纪的城市设计实践、设计理论及设计传统过多的以“完美图像”为目标, 而无法回应上海这座城市的动态且多样的城市需求, 当然也包括生活于其中的人的需求。而现今科技发展的带来的软硬件方面突破改变了人机交互的模式, 改变了城市基础设施与人的供应关系和方式, 改变了城市甚至城郊下一阶段发展的方向,也改变了这些高新技术与人们生活的关系。我们试图通过对全球议程各个方面进行关注, 提出我们与之相对应的系列提案, 使之与全球议程在地域性、时代性、经济性和文化性方面高度相关。当我们从各个尺度和层面对城市建筑进行规划和景观设计时,我们选取材料、构造、时代与时间、城市与映像作为更新的切入点,修改甚至重新定义建筑与环境衰退的相关性。